
Looking for a stewardship speaker for your next conference or judicatory event? Chick and Grace have relevant and practical stewardship content to engage your audience. Contact Chick and Grace today.

Chick Lane & Grace Pomroy
Speaking Together

While Chick and Grace are often asked to speak on their own, they find their work and unique speaking styles compliment each other well and make for a more engaging experience for the audience. Chick and Grace have expertise at pairing their individual content together to create a day-long experience. They have also crafted a few keynotes that they present together.  

Stewardship in a Post-Pandemic World (New!)
So much about church has changed since March 2020. Wondering how to bring your stewardship practices up to date with this new era of church? We’ll take a look at how congregations fared financially throughout the pandemic and beyond and provide fresh ideas to invite generosity in online and hybrid worship environments.

What’s Old, What’s New, What’s Right for You
Not everything from the past should be thrown out. Many new ideas are good ideas. How can your congregation’s stewardship ministry retain worthwhile practices from the past, incorporate today’s good ideas, and do this in a way that fits your situation? 

Generations & Stewardship
Boomers and Millennials don’t often think the same way about church and about giving. If your congregation is engaged in “one size fits all” stewardship, you are probably missing both groups. What are the differences, and how can you minister more effectively to everyone in your congregation?

If you’re interested in having both Chick and Grace at your event, please let them know on the contact form. They are eager to work with you to craft content specifically designed for your audience.

Chick Lane’s Speaking

A Biblical Look at Stewardship
The incredible message of the bible is that everything belongs to God. This means that how we manage our time, talents, and treasure are faith issues. How do we care for that which God has entrusted into our care? 

Reinventing Your Stewardship Ministry around Ask, Thank, and Tell
These three simple verbs can form a very helpful outline for your congregation’s stewardship ministry. Make sure you are doing all three and you should be well on your way to a faithful year-round stewardship program.

Reflections on Faith and Finances
How does your congregation talk about money? What motivates you to give and live generously? How you connect faith and finances profoundly impacts your answers to these questions. 

Moving from the Bills to the Mission
When you ask congregants to think about their giving, does your congregation focus on the bills or the mission? Asking the council to make sure the bills are getting paid and asking the congregation to give to support the mission you are doing together can make a big difference in the joy people receive from giving.

Grace Pomroy’s Speaking

Funding Forward (New!)
Congregations across the country are realizing that the “Sunday morning offering” may not be enough to sustain their mission. Congregations and faith-based nonprofits are finding new, more economically sustainable models for ministry arising organically from God’s mission for their organization. These models include specific tools like repurposing church property, social enterprise, impact investing, grants, and more. How might God be calling your congregation to use alternative income sources to fulfill its mission in new ways?
What is Stewardship?
For many people of faith the word “stewardship” has a negative connotation — it's only brought up when the church is begging for money. Grace helps people rediscover what stewardship actually means using the lens of the “Good Samaritan” story. Whether you are new to stewardship ministry or you’re a committee veteran, you’ll appreciate this refreshing and life-giving take.
Stewardship With Adults Under 45: Possibilities Abound
Is your congregation overlooking the generosity potential of its younger members? After taking a closer look at generational characteristics and giving patterns across all living American generations, Grace will help you gain a better understanding of how you might engage the Millennials and Gen Z members in your congregation. 
Reimagining the Offering
For decades the offering has been centered around “passing the plate.” While this practice is incredibly meaningful for many, for others who don’t carry cash or checks it can often leave them feeling left out. Let’s take a closer look at the history of the offering, the meaning behind this practice, and how we might make it more inclusive of all of the gifts God calls us to steward, not just money.
God’s Abundance for Our Neighbor’s Need
Is God’s abundance for everyone? How might our own systems of privilege & prejudice tamper with how this abundance is distributed? The COVID-19 pandemic and racial reckonings of the past few years have taught us a lot about the inequalities present in our world today. Grace will unpack stewardship, God’s abundance, and how we live out our call to be God’s hands and feet to a world in need.
What's Your Why
Often we're so focused on “what” and “how” that we forget about the “why”. Whether it's why church or why we give - why is the most crucial question that we can ask or answer for our stewardship work.
Interested in having Grace speak about a different topic? She’s eager to work with you to craft new content for your audience. Interested in Grace’s speaking work on money and relationships? Check out the speaking content on her website.
“We were extremely blessed to have Grace lead a webinar on “Generations and Stewardship-Engaging Millennials in Your Congregation” for our clergy and lay leaders. She is a knowledgeable and inspiring facilitator, very adept at offering valuable insights on how to reach younger people. She shared the right mix of well-researched statistics with dynamic storytelling to connect with our participants. We feel she is one of the best presenters we’ve had; she has
outstanding speaking skills and her passion for stewardship is contagious. We highly recommend her and have already signed her up to do two more webinars with us. Grace is an excellent leader!” ~ Rev. Phyllis M. Bowers, Executive Director
The United Methodist Stewardship Foundation